The first half of 2020 summary


There were a couple of fine DX and new DXCC countries at the beginning o this year such as S01WS from Western Sahara, 9J2LA Zambia, ZC4UW, and even ZF5T on 160m! Also, the number of stations from the Middle East made my day and JT1CO from Mongolia on 40m. I hope to get confirmed all these ones, some of them already confirmed. Since March 2020 I was mostly active on VHF on the weekends due to complications and lack of time due to Corona.
128 countries worked, 103 confirmed.

Contest and Awards
Contests - not a big deal. I participated in a few ones just for fun, HA-DX, AFS RGB, PACC, etc. Any single contest was not done to try to reach some good results. Fortunately, I hiked some nice mountains and had a fun in local 145 MHz contests.

I am very happy we have the youngsters in our radio club OK1RDO and they join us regularly now. A few days ago we participated "Youngsters contest" and results looks very good so far.

I have received some nice awards, SOTA 250, GMA 300, Worked All Europe II. Class, Polska Award III. class, Moritzberg Award (dedicated to first 2m repeater in Europe), Deutschland Diplom and also a few short term awards. I also joined as activator "OK 90" activity, dedicated to 90 years of amateur radio licenses in Czechoslovakia and did over 500 QSOs. 

VHF Mountain Activity
For first time I don't call this section "SOTA". Due to massive reduction of summits, I will stick with GMA for future. I activated in first half of year 24 summits. Most memorable are activations from Mala Fatra ridge in Slovakia.  I also started with PMR (personal mobile radio) DX, which is great fun due to huge activity on the band.

In corona quarantine, I had time to browse various bands, NEXUS IRRS was a station broadcasting special corona program, I received e-QSL. I heard weak signals of KCBS Pyongyang,  Voice of Vietnam, Radio Azadi (Free Afghanistan), Radio Thailand,, then ISM (Industrial, Scientific or Medical allocation freq.) with strage sound on 13560 kHz, and also TAH - Maritime Beacon in Istanbul on 8430kHz. Some BCL was reported, but no answers. There were a couple of ARISS Slow Scan 
activities, too.

