OK1NYD 2022 Summary


I am very pleased by 30 new DXCC in 2022, which makes my current number 211 worked and 196 confirmed DXCC. I am always happy for any contact to Oceania, in 2022 it was Vanuatu YJ0DA, Samoa 5W1SA,  Papua P29RO, various calls to Fiji and a kind of special QSO on 10m with VK6IR on FM.

There were nice contacts to Carribean with globetrotter Janusz SP9FIH to Saba&St. Eustatius, St. Barthlemy, Bermuda etc. Also J69DS St. Lucia and other new ones such as St. Kitts and Nevis and others.

From Asian station made me also now one XV9BPO Vietnam or 9N7AA, my beloved Nepal 

I was surprised I had no contact to Paraguay until last year, also 10m QSO to ZP was also new one for me such as 8R1AK/p to Guyana

Many new DXCC also to Africa, russian Expeditions to Togo and Benin, Czech expedition to Ivory Coast or 3C3CA Equatorial Guinea, XT2MAX Burkina Faso, D2UY Angloa and more.

A bit special was QSO to Vostok station in Antarctica to RI1ANC, I had also one contact to martime mobile and one contact to aeronautical mobiĺe. 

I would say probably most succesful year for DX for me.


No time for contesting this year, but still at least 3rd place in LZ DX Contest SO/LP/SSB/All under the OK1RDO callsign and I joined IARU HF Championship 11th Place worldwide, SO LP SSB in Raw scores and also ARRL 10m Contest 4th Place Europe SO SSB LP.

I am eligible now for IOTA 100, DXCC, WAZ and keep working on others.


13 activations on 11 summits only this year.

I did not catch any ES QSO, but I had good ones with G8T and TK0C tropo.
